Sunday, January 29, 2012

Nursery Sneak Peek

Since we are not finding out what we are having it is kind of difficult to pick a gender neutral nursery. However, I have a AWESOME and VERY talented mom who is going to make the baby bedding! YAY! While we were in Wichita many moons ago (2010) during our first pregnancy I came across this fabric. Of course we didn't get to use it. My mom offered to buy all new fabric for this baby, but why? I am still in love with it, and it deserves to be used. So the decorating has begun!!!

I also need to give props to my mother in law Coleen. She painted the nursery for us (Brent did assist). How could we all forget that bright orange!!!
Nursery Before

Amazing what a little paint can do!

I had this sign made at a craft fair in Des Moines. It turned out just as I was hoping!

Close up of the barn board sign for baby S

Sneak peak of what my mom is working on for Baby S.

We have a couple projects that Brent and I are working on to also go in the nursery. But those aren't ready to be photographed! As long as it is done before May I can't complain!!!

Also, I need to wish these two very wonderful girls (ladies) a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Amanda's birthday was on the 28th and Courtney's is on the 30th. Hope you both had/have a very special day love you both!!!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Bumpdate: Almost 25 weeks

How far along: Almost 25 weeks
Size of Baby: 13-14 inches 1.5-2.5 lbs. (about the size of an eggplant)

Maternity Clothes: Still a little of both, I can wear a majority of my regular tops but all maternity pants.

Gender: Guess we'll all find out in May cause we're going to let it be a surprise!

Movement: TONS, he or she loves to pretend they are a ninja about 2am. My doctor told me to be prepared for a 2am feeding if the baby is always moving at that time. Brent also got to feel the baby kick. Awesome moment for the "3" of us!

Sleep: Other than getting up multiple times a night to pee, sleep is amazing!!!

What I miss: not a lot of anything, I've adjusted to being pregnant finally.

Symptoms: I knocked on wood before writing this, but I didn't get sick that last couple days!!! Hope it keeps going in that direction!

Cravings: Milk. We go through milk so fast in our house now. I could drink it around the clock! And clementines!!!

Best Moment of the Week: We are registered, we had a lot of fun doing that

Looking Forward To: I am looking forward to our next appointment on February 3rd. It is my glucose test so I am looking forward to getting that over with. My doctor gave me the option of drinking the "flat" orange pop or eating jelly beans. I chose the flat orange pop, I know many people think I'm crazy if I was being offered Jelly Beans, but they are BIG jelly beans and there are 17 of them to eat. I'd rather just drink the nasty stuff and be done!

Not a whole lot else going on around here. I am busy trying to put the nursery together. This weekend I will be painting an old dresser that will be used as a changing table. Stay tuned for a sneak peak of the nursery!
This fall Brent put a door from the kitchen to the back porch. We decided we weren't going to let Wrigley come inside the house anymore except the back porch so this door has been handy. However, he just sits staring at the door waiting for it to open hoping he can make it inside the house. Spoiled dog!!!
This is kind of blurry but this is what he'll do when he comes in on the porch, just sit and wait. Also, Brent and I both were on the back porch with him, but he just wanted inside so bad. He'll learn!