Sunday, April 29, 2012

Bump Date: Almost 38 weeks

37 weeks 4 days, before Ryan and Heidi's wedding 4-28-12

How far along: 37 weeks and 5 days (Almost 38 weeks)

Size of Baby: 18-20inches and 6-9lbs. At our appointment last Monday, Dr. Markham is guessing it weighs about 7lbs right now. We'll see (hopefully sooner than later)

Maternity Clothes: Still a little of both, I can wear a majority of my regular tops but all maternity pants.

Gender: Guess we'll all find out in May cause we're going to let it be a surprise!

Movement: Lots, but definitely running out of room, this baby needs to drop and get out of my ribs!

Sleep: Haha, what is that? Jk jk, I know its only going to get worse when the baby gets here but he/she is preparing me for what is about to come.

What I miss: Not being able to bend over and tie my own shoes

Symptoms: Heart burn and swollen feet

Cravings: Anything salty, only because I am not supposed to have a lot of salt right now since my feet have been swelling so bad.

Best Moment of the Week: I thought it was going to be a great moment, but we went for our appointment and now we're going weekly and they checked me to see if I was dilated, haha NOPE not even a finger tip. I thought maybe 1-2cm...dream on! Maybe this coming week!
Looking Forward To: This baby making an appearance! This mommy is ready and I am pretty sure his or her daddy is ready also!
This is what I normally wear for clothes, yoga pants and Brent's sweat shirts! (37 weeks 5 days)
We have been having LOTS of trouble keeping Wrigley home. He just had his 2nd birthday and we couldn't find him that day. He took off. It bothered Brent more than me. Don't get me wrong I love that dog to pieces, but he is by far Brent's dog. He doesn't listen to me like he does Brent. Our neighbors (a mile away) have a black lab puppy named Duke. They are best friends. Brent found him the next day swimming in their pond with Duke. However, he needs to learn he can't just go over to Duke's house. So, we are having to tie him up. HE HATES is, but he'll learn.

Wrigley pouting because he had to be tied up. He does it to himself. Also, he looks like a silver lab since he had been swimming in the pond with Duke, and he had a bath the day before this. Ugh!
Also, we have some more exciting news other than having a baby any day, purchasing Schumacher East, LLC, we are MOVING!! We have been looking to move for awhile now but nothing was just "right" for us. Bad timing but its the perfect place. It is 1 mile north of Harlan. Its on a county road that they aren't maintaining the road anymore, but its not gravel....yet!! Since Wrigley has been so naughty we are going to have to build a little (big) pen for him. We decided we will cut a doggie door into the machine shed and have it so he can go inside and out. He'll hate it, but not being as far out in the country we can't take the chance of him going to town or getting hit.

Here is the link to our new house: Click to see our new house

Hopefully this baby decides to make an appearance ANY DAY! We had some false labor going on Friday night so my body is trying to get ready!!!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Big Purchase

A little over two years ago Brent and I made the decision to move to western Iowa. Brent previously worked for Principal Financial/Wellness in Clive and I was working for a Long Term Care Pharmacy in Johnston. Principal was going to be doing some cut backs and Brent may have been without a job. So my father-in-law Chuck gave Brent and great opportunity. Chuck purchased the only two car washes in Harlan, IA. Brent was going to learn the business of the car washes and eventually we would own them. Brent was the manager of the car washes until he felt he was ready to take the responsibilities. Well, that all took place last week. We officially purchased Schumacher East, LLC. So, we are the new owners of two car washes.

I had no idea there was so much involvement in a car wash, I learned very fast that you can't leave town very often cause someone will have a problem! I also learned something about Brent, he is very good at figuring out problems. If you want to run a car wash you have to be able to fix your own problems otherwise you would spend all your money on maintenance.

I felt like I was signing my life away (wait I was) at the bank last week, but I am super excited for the journey and opportunity that Chuck offered us. Here are a few pictures of our car washes. We call them them big car wash or the little car wash. But the "true" name of them is Ultra No Touch Car Wash---previous owners named them NOT us!


The "Big Car Wash" our main location. 2 Automatics 3 hand bays

Another view of the main location

View of the "little" car wash (1 automatic and 2 hand bays)

Little Car Wash
I love living in the Harlan area. I love the feeling of the small town. I am currently working at the HyVee Pharmacy in Harlan I will have been there a year this May. Brent and I are enjoying all the opportunities this town has offered us so far. Now, if only this baby would like to make an appearance so we can enjoy raising our child in a small town! 2 weeks left (if we make it to 40 weeks) I will try to get a Bump Date done tomorrow. We have a wedding to go to tonight so I will be dressed in something other than sweats or scrubs.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Bump Date: 34 Weeks

How far along: 34 Weeks
Size of Baby: 17-19 inches and 4.2-5.8lbs.

Maternity Clothes: Still a little of both, I can wear a majority of my regular tops but all maternity pants.

Gender: Guess we'll all find out in May cause we're going to let it be a surprise!

Movement: Lots!

Sleep: I would love to sleep all day everyday, but I usually get about 5 good hours of sleep at night.

What I miss: Not having swollen feet. My feet resemble Fred Flintstones feet.

Symptoms: HEART BURN! This has been horrible the last couple weeks.

Cravings: Anything and everything, since Dairy Queen has opened in Harlan for the season I am in heaven.
Best Moment of the Week: It wasn't this week, but it has been since I blogged, for the longest time our baby has been sitting breech. Not anymore, he or she is head down and ready to make an appearance next month!!

Looking Forward To: My feet not being swollen and actually being able to see my feet when standing up. We start going to our appointments weekly now, and that means we are that much closer to getting to meet our miracle!

In other news, My sister Ashley had her baby one week ago today! Lia Michele was born March 26th. She weighted 7.6lbs and was 19" long. She is beautiful, however please keep Lia in your prayers as she was born with several heart defects and will be undergoing surgery in the near future. Also, please keep my sister and her husband, and my nephew Jack in your prayers for strength and understanding during this time.

Lia shortly after she got home

We have now mowed twice, and it is only April 2nd. Hard to believe. Wrigley has been enjoying this weather a lot because that means we are outside a lot more! We even got his pool out for him to cool off in during the day!
Brent and Wrigley pouting because they couldn't come insdie. They were both very muddy.

We had to pick up some sticks/limbs before we could mow last weekend and this is how Wrigley helped, he layed on the trailor and sun bathed.
Please take a moment and check out my sisters blog to read about Lia's heart condition. Ashley's Blog