Wednesday, July 21, 2010

What we've been up to...

For a couple years Brent has been "talking" about registering to be a referee. FINALLY, Brent is going to have a part time job this fall/winter. He is planning on doing football and wrestling. He'll be gone a lot doing this, but it will be nice to have some extra money coming in.

I made him put everything on so I could take a picture. He made me promise this wouldn't end up on facebook. My blog doesn't count does it?
A couple weekends ago, Brent and I finally got started on our landscaping and curb appeal. We are pretty much starting with a blank canvas. We are doing it all ourselves to save money and plus, its so much fun designing and planning everything yourself. We are having a lot of fun doing it.

We planted our plants about a month ago and just haven't "found" time to finish off the landscaping. This pictures shows that the plants have been taken over by grass and weeds. I really do promise there are plants in there!

This is just a portion of the mulch we put down. We put black paper down first so we don't have to fight as many weeds from year to year. We went through about 60 bags of mulch. Putting the black paper down was not a fun task, especially when you have a puppy who wants to play with it.

Instead of playing with us Wrigley enjoyed dragging the empty bags of mulch around our front yard. We both were just happy he kept himself entertained.

Tada! Finished product. Well, minus the edging. See, I told you there were plants in there.

Here is another view of our landscaping. Our deck is our front porch. Straight ahead is the door to our mud room. And then up on the deck takes you into the kitchen.

Last week was the Shelby County Fair. Brent and I spent Sunday afternoon at the fair. It does not compare at all to Washington's County Fair, but we enjoyed walking around. We even got to see our good friend Liz.

We watched some cows being judged. Made me miss the ones that were once at our house! NOT! By the way, those will not be getting out anymore they are no longer on our property!

Of course we walked through the swine building. I thought this pig was actually kind of cute. Brent told me a story when he was a boy he always would let the pigs chew on the rubber of his boots. He says pigs like rubber. So of course he tried to get this pig to chew on his sandal.

Brent insisted I had my picture taken in front of Morgan Hall. This hall had all the different 4H projects. And the plus of this is that it was air conditioned.

If I had to have my picture taken in front of "Morgan" Hall, it only seemed right to make Brent have his picture taken in front of a Brent Wagon.

I thought this tractor was really cool. Instead of having tires it had tracks. I think my father-in-law should invest in this just because it looked cool!

Tonight Brent's grandma Unis is coming over for supper and she is going to teach me to play some card game that she loves. This weekend I am heading back to Des Moines for Kayla Kling's Shower/Bachelorette Party. I am really excited to see her and some old friends.
Brent will be working this weekend again, but next weekend we're heading to Worlds of Fun in Kansas City. We were supposed to go back in June for our 1 year anniversary, but mother nature did not cooperate. So we'll head down there next Saturday morning.

1 comment:

  1. Found your blog over at "allforlovekt". Oh! We did yard work this week, it's sooo hard! Nice pics :)
