Monday, March 28, 2011

A special visitor

A couple weekends ago my cousin Trey had a basketball tournament in Omaha, NE. I didn't have to work that Saturday so I headed to watch him play. I had a blast seeing my family! After Trey's basketball game we went and ate at a place called PepperJax Grill. Then, I had this brilliant idea..Eli should come spend the night at my house!
So, I had a surprise for Brent when I got home that evening. We had a slumber party at our house. We spent our evening playing with Archie (his stuffed dinosaur), eating pizza, eating M&M's, watching the movie Cars (funny story about that later), playing football (in the house), and a bath withs LOTS of bubbles!
The next day we all (Brent, Eli and myself)headed back to Omaha to watch Trey's team play again. This was the first time Brent and I have been able to see the Hardy family since Christmas! After the tournament they came to Avoca to see our house. And of course to meet Wrigley.
Eli wasn't a big fan of Wrigley unless Brent was near. I guess I wouldn't be either if I was eye level with a dog! Eli would constantly ask us "He eat me??" and we said "no!" then he'd ask "He eat my shoes"...and we had to reply with "Well, maybe" haha! Oops, that didn't help the situation! But Eli did give Wrigley a "treat" by throwing it at him! But, it got the job done, Wrigley enjoyed the treat!

Eli in Brent's football helmet from Central. They had lots of fun doing touch down dances together!

This is how Eli thought he would pet Wrigley. He felt much better about petting him when there was a glass door between the two of them.

Eli insisted of giving Wrigley a kiss so I had lip prints all over my door.

Eli and Brent at Old Chicago after the basketball tournament. This is Eli's face when you say smile.

Trey and Brent and Old Chicago

Trey and me at Old Chicago

In other news, I'm having one of those days I'm not happy, not sad, just kind of blah. Do you ever get those days? I am feeling sorry for myself because I want to be pregnant and two girls whose blogs I follow have been fighing PCOS and endometreosis both found out they were pregnant with twins. Man, I wish I could say those words. I wish that was our story, but our time will come. I am very happy for both of those girls! They deserve it and were such an inspiration to me and I will continue to follow their blog now that its all about being pregnant instead of being infertile! But, when I am in need of some encouragement

I use this verse all the time! “ For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11

Hope everyone had a good start to their week. I just love when Monday's are GONE since I don't work on Tuesdays! :)

I'll leave you with a funny story: So during the movie Cars this was my conversation with Eli
Eli: Mater is brown like my dad
Me: Yep, are you brown?
Eli: Yep Me: Is Trey brown?
Eli: Yep Me: Is your mommy brown?
Eli: Nope, she's yellow..
Brent and I both about died laughing! He was DEAD serious! Gotta love him.

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