Sunday, October 30, 2011


Every few weeks I will answer this little survey to show changes and keep everyone up to date.

How far along: 12 weeks

Size of Baby: 2 inches (about the size of a lime)

Maternity Clothes: I had to wear maternity pants to a wedding last night because none of my dress pants fit comfortably. Other than that still in all my regular clothes

Gender: Guess we'll all find out in May cause we're going to let it be a surprise!

Movement: Too early...but I'm really excited for that moment to come

Sleep: Sleep has been ok, I'm a stomach sleeper so this week I have really tried to sleep on my side. It is definitely  not as comfortable for me. Also, I'm waking up about 1 or 2 times a night to go to the bathroom.

What I miss: I really miss my Diet Pepsi. But not having it is totally worth it.

Symptoms: Week 6, 7, and 8 I had "morning sickness" pretty much all day. Nothing sounded good to eat, lots of smells bothered me, and I felt like I was dizzy and going to throw up constantly. Then I felt tired and couldn't get enough sleep...this sometimes still hits me and I just want to sleep all afternoon.

Cravings: McDonald's french fries dipped in Mayo! I liked those before I was pregnant but some days that is all I want to eat!

Best Moment of the Week: Brent got to hear the baby's heartbeat. Heart rate was 170. I think I could listen to the sound of our baby's heart beat all day every day! Also, not having to be on progesterone anymore!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I've been waiting for an update!! And I agree, listening to the HR is awesome!
