Saturday, December 17, 2011

A big scare turned into a PERFECT day!

For a few days I had cramping and pressure. At first I didn't think anything of it but on Wednesday it got really severe and painful. Of course our doctor doesn't work on Wednesdays. I left a message with his nurse who called me back and told me to take it easy and drink lots of fluids and they'll give me a call Thursday after they talk to Dr. Markham. SERIOUSLY....are you crazy, I feel like something is wrong and you want me to take it easy! I called my mother-in-laws good friend Julie who is a SAINT! She is a nurse at the clinic we go to. I called her and she knew our history of a previous miscarriage and told me to come to her office and we would at least do a doppler. I rushed out of work, Brent met me at her office and we heard this perfect little heart beat. I just started to cry. Julie told me anytime I needed to come in and hear the heartbeat give her a call she didn't care if it was going to be 20+ more times!

However, I was still having pressure and cramping so the next day they ordered an ultra sound. We hadn't seen our baby since our 6 week ultrasound. Words can not express the love and emotion that we have for this baby and seeing that it looked like a baby is amazing. I could have stayed in that room watching its arms and legs move all over for the entire day! Everything looks great, the baby is breech and really low so that would explain the pressure and cramping!

While we were in there the baby kept sticking its tongue out and putting its fist in its mouth. I know I was emotional about it due to thinking something was wrong, but I think even Brent got a little lump in his throat during that moment. It was such a special moment for the two of us. We worked so hard to have that moment to share together and I will never forget it, and couldn't have asked for a better person to experience it with!

We didn't find out the sex of the baby even though we could have. The ultrasound tech just had us turn away during that part! I kept wanting to peek but it will be so exciting to see what we're having in May. I dream of the look in Brent's eyes when we're told if its a boy or girl! I am very anxious for that day!

We were told everything looks perfect and that they aren't going to worry about the baby being breech until later since there is a lot of room and time for it to turn around. I shared this picture with my brother-in-laws and their comments were "looks like a boy, look at the size of that head" or "wow check out those shoulders, good luck" Thanks guys! Jerks!

I will leave you with one of the pictures from our horrible feeling turned perfect! I am so anxious for May to get here!!!
Baby Schumacher- 18 weeks old

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad to hear that everything turned out to be ok! The baby looks perfect :) Can't wait to meet the little Schumacher in a few short months!! Baby will be here before you know it!!
