Friday, October 15, 2010

Crazy Busy

This has been one crazy busy week for Brent and I. Monday night Brent reffed in Harlan, Tuesday night Brent Reffed in Underwood, and Wednesday night Brent had a meeting for Wrestling officials in Harlan. Last night when he got home from work he went and helped his parents in the fields.

OK, so my week isn't really that crazy busy but it seemed like it was trying to have clean clothes, reffing gear washed, supper ready, and whatever else he needed. It has been a crazy busy week for me at work. We're taking on more nursing homes. Taking on new nursing homes is always a chore because you have to start from scratch. Entering every patient, every patients charge account, every patients insurance. It just becomes a headache with doing that and we haven't even entered all their medications yet! AHHH

Wednesday was a scary day for me. Wrigley got ran over. He is a very curious puppy and loves having people outside all the time. While my in laws were here getting some equipment to move to a different farm, Wrigley got in the way. He is going to be fine just has a swollen leg and a cut under his armpit. Scared the heck out of me though. Brent didn't seem as worried as I was. He had gone through the motions of a dog being run over before. Me on the other had grew up with Kirby. Having a farm dog is so different than the lifestyle Kirby had.

Anyhow, the vet put Wrigley on an antibiotic since he is an outside dog and has a cut he's almost guaranteed to have an infection. Also, they gave him a pain pill. It really is funny because I will watch him from the kitchen window when he's just outside playing by himself, and no limping is happening. The moment I walk outside the limping starts. Wow, he's just like me!

This picture is how Wrigley ate his food the day he was ran over. He didn't want to put weight on his leg so he laid down to eat and also drink. I thought it was pretty cute. Brent called him Lazy!

I do bring Wrigley inside about every evening just for a little while, and of course he was inside alot the day he got hit. You can tell his left front leg is a little swollen.

The green capsules are Wrigley's antibiotics, I wrap them in a piece of cheese to trick him into eating it. The big round pills are his pain meds. He doesn't mind the taste of those.

This is a picture of my new kitchen rugs. I got them at 55% off at Kohls!

I bought these witches shoes at a craft show in Des Moines that I went to with my mom and my mother in law.

My father-in-law was kind enough to let me pick some corn stalks this year to decorate with. Brent and I put this together this morning. There is another bunch on the other side of the deck.

This is just another picture of my fall decor in my kitchen. The witches hat I got at a garage sale in Wichita with my mom and sister in the spring.

This cute picket fence I bought at a craft show in Minnesota with my sister-in-law Katie a few years ago. I usually have it outsdie, but since I have a puppy who enjoys chewing everything his mouth can fit on, its staying inside for awhile.

These pumpkins are on the desk in the kitchen. My mom got these for me at the craft show we went to in Des Moines last month. I just love them!

This is my new uppercase living. It is above the fridge.

I have one more project I'm working on for the kitchen and then it will be complete. Then we'll move onto another room to add some new "touches" too! Brent is really excited.

Tonight my cousin Janae, her boyfriend Braden, and Braden's brother Trenton are coming to stay with us. They're making a pit stop on their way to Iowa Western to watch Braden and Trenton's cousin play Volleyball. Brent will be reffing in Shenandoah so he won't be home until about 10 or 11. But the rest of us will have fun!

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