Friday, February 25, 2011

Seeing the good in something bad!!

So, today was my HSG procedure. I was super nervous because I knew it was going to be painful, and I know 800mg of Ibuprofen only goes so far for pain! I got into the procedure room and since they decided to do my procedure in Harlan there were about 8people in the room. I was the first of this procedure to be done in Harlan in about 6 years so they were wanting people to learn what to do for it.

Once he got the catheter and the camera up into my fallopian tubes (it does sound uncomfortable and trust me it was!!!) He showed me on the screen that the fallopian tubes were 100% blocked. And at that moment I started crying because what he was doing hurt so bad, and also because FINALLY I know why we're not getting pregnant when I'm ovulating every month! Even though having blocked fallopian tubes isn't a good thing, it is an answer. And at that moment my doctor flushed my tubes with this dye, and used extra fluid to flush them clean! And then he he showed me that now when he flushes the dye you can see it flowing through very nicely. And we're DONE!

We ended the procedure by him telling me I have a beautiful uterus. (good to know :)) And he also told me to spend the entire weekend with my husband and "Have Fun"! I'll let you use your imagination! So here is to fingers crossed...if not this month hopefully the next!

I was getting so discouraged with our journey of trying to conceive. After this procedure even though it was so painful, I have a whole new look on it. All the days I've pouted and cried about why...why can't I just be pregnant. I have an answer. There was no way to get pregnant when the things your body needs in order to conceive can't meet up with eachother...totally makes sense. I'm done being a negative Nancy about the situation and am greatful that we got some answers today!

Thank you so much for all the prayers!

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