Wednesday, February 23, 2011


The title of my blog is honestly how I feel about my fertility doctor!! Yesterday Brent and I spent the ENTIRE afternoon sitting in a waiting room with no one giving us answers why it was taking so long. I was supposed to have a hysterosalpingoraphy (HSG) procedure done at 2pm yesterday. We were to arrive at 1pm to have some blood work done before they'd get started. No big deal, we left our house around noon to give us plenty of time to get to Mercy Hospital in Council Bluffs. Got right in for the blood work, like clock work they came for me around 1:45 to get me changed into hospital scrubs and to wait for my doctor to come in for the procedure......

Now, its 2:45 and we're still just sitting there waiting and no one has come to talk to us. FINALLY around 3 the nurse comes in and says Dr. Sotolongo had an emergency surgery he'll be over in about 15 minutes. OK, no big deal those things happen....3:30 comes around and still NO doctor, and no one is telling us what is taking so long.....They come back around 4 to inform me he just went in for a second surgery...Yep, my attitude was GONE...I was completely annoyed, why would he schedule my procedure the day he is the on-call OB doctor? Makes no sense to me.

We finally told the nurse that we're going to re-schedule this was ridiculous...not ridiculous that the emergency surgeries had to take place, that is not what I mean, when I say ridiculous I mean because NO one was communicating with us!

Thank you Metro OB/GYN for wasting my 1 day off during the week. I understand my procedure wasn't a "priority" to them...but it sure was to Brent and I. This is another step in our journey of becoming parents. And it is not covered by insurance and will cost us around $2500.

So, we have it re-scheduled for Friday....Now, I have to use PTO which I'm trying very hard not to use any PTO for anything because my work doesn't offer paid maternity leave so I'll be using my PTO, thank goodness we can carry over our PTO from the previous year, I have about 160 hours saved up...but I guess using it for this procedure will be worth it. I just hope we don't have another day like we did Tuesday!!!!

On a good note from yesterday, I had my second weigh in for weight watchers and I am down 5 pounds! I am super excited. I have a recipe I will be posting on here later this week!

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