Well, here is why...
I have a tendency to see little pink lines that aren't there. I convince myself I can see a faint second pink line, and that leads to no where good. So this time I "splurged" on the Clear Blue Easy pregnancy test... to leave NO DOUBT! It actually spells it out digitally PREGNANT or NOT PREGNANT. It doesn't get anymore clear than that.
What I wasn't prepared for is how much seeing "NOT PREGNANT" spelled out hurts. I wish there were pregnancy test for people really trying to conceive in case they aren't pregnant it would say "Try Again" or "Better Luck Next Time". I do understand that some people are relieved when it says NOT PREGNANT. I know crazy idea, but it would be nice!
I am excited for this week to get going. I have to work Monday and Tuesday and then I am off until the 28th of December! We are excited to see all our family over the holidays and are happy we only have to travel as far as Des Moines.
Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas!
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