Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Meeting the family

Brynn had lots of visitors after being born. We enjoyed all the visitors and all the people so eager to meet Brynn. I have so many pictures to get up here I thought I would start with the family. I know I have more pictures of family to put on here but Brent has them on his phone so I will get to those. Sorry!

Brent called his parents after Brynn was born and told them they had a new grand child. He decided he wasn't going to let them know if it was a boy or girl until they got to the hospital and they could guess. The first thing Grandpa Chuck said "that baby is way too cute to be a boy" yep, he was right even though he had to check under the diaper just to be sure. The next day (Saturday) my parents, sister, brother-in-law, and nephew, and niece all came to meet Brynn. Of course I had to tell my family what we had and named her because they weren't able to come until the next morning! My sister and my mom even went out and did some shopping late Friday night so Brynn could have something to wear other than yellow or green! THANK GOODNESS!!!
Grandpa Jeff and Grandma Sue with Brynn

Ashley, Lia, me, and Brynn

Proud Grandpa with his girls. Ashley and I have been replaced

Brynn and Lia- Best of friends already!

This is a little (emphasis on the little) better of a family picture

Uncle Jameson and Brynn

Uncle Curt and Brynn---Curt said she will just be a "baby" until she has more hair and looks like a "girl"

Jack getting to meet Brynn for the first time

Finally a girl for Grandpa Chuck to spoil

Grandma Coleen got her GIRL!!!
Well, Brynn is hungry so I will have to cut this short, and I need to watch the finale of Glee! I will get more pictures up this week!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Brynn Elizabeth- Her story of coming into our lives

I am so happy to finally say our "Miracle" is here! Many of you know what we went through trying to have a baby and God surprised us with the best miracle ever and she finally made her appearance.

Brynn Elizabeth was born May 11 at 7:53 pm. She was 8lb and 20.25 inches long. She is perfect in every way! Other than she was very stubborn while trying to make her way into our lives.

It all started on Thursday May 10th. We went for another routine doctor appointment (39 weeks) to see if I was dilated or if any progess was made. NOPE, none and to top it off my Dr. wanted to put me on bed rest because my blood pressure was still too high for his comfort. However, after that he decided we would "try" to get things going by starting a drug called Cytotec. He explained that if it didn't get things to progress they would just send me home and he would see me Monday. So, we went home grabbed a "few" things for our induction. After a few hours of contracting Dr. Markham came in to see if I had progressed enough to do another dose. NOPE just a finger tip dilated. So home is where we were headed.

That night my contractions started coming fast and hard. We went back to the hospital hoping to have made enough progress that our baby was going to make an appearance that night. We got there and the nurse checked me again, well we were 1cm. Ugh, why is this child being so stubborn (haha, many will say because I am stubborn, but I disagree). After giving me some meds to ease the pain of the contractions that were coming every 2 minutes, they sent us home Friday morning and once again said see you Monday and your regular appointment with the doctor.

Friday afternoon I was miserable. Same thing as Thursday night. I called labor and delivery and they told me that have NO ROOMS available. WHAAAAAT.... A town the size we live in (small) and there are no rooms HOLY BABY BOOM! The nurse said she would call back in a few hours to see how things were going because she didn't think we would be having a baby anytime soon. Well, it turns out we went back in again around 6pm Friday night. I still was only dilated to 1cm. My dr. told me they could give me a drug called Nifedipine, and that would STOP everything and let my body start over when it was ready...say what??? At this point I was bawling, exhausted, annoyed, frustrated, everything but happy. I wanted to be happy. Brent and I worked so hard to become pregnant I just wanted our baby to be here.

Dr. Markham could tell everything I was feeling and decided a c-section was the best route. So, that is how our evening ended. They quickly got things ready for surgery. Brent was getting into scrubs, had to page the surgical team in and we were going to have a baby that night. My mood changed within seconds of knowing we were going to meet our little boy or girl.

Once they had everything ready Brent was allowed to come into the surgery room. I was already numb, and we shared a special moment that I will never forget. With tears in his eyes he sat at the head of the surgical table by my head, placed his forehead on mine and we prayed. Prayed for our future with our child, prayed for the doctors and surgical team, prayed that we really were ready to be parents, and prayed for a healthy baby.

It seemed like 5 minutes and the doctors told Brent "If you want to look now is the time to look". He stood up and saw our baby being pulled out of me. His eyes were full of tears and I kept asking him what is it????? He couldn't get the words out so finally Dr. Markham told me it was a girl! Finally we heard our baby GIRL cry! Of course Brent and I were already full of tears. It was the best day of our lives. Our miracle was here, and we were proud parents!

I should add 4 babies were born Friday May 11, 2012. That is A LOT of babies in one day for a hospital of that size. Usually they have maybe 1 born?? There were 14 babies scheduled to be born in May at Myrtue Medical Center, and only 2 in June. May is a great month!

All our bags ready to go for our induction.

Our first family photo. Happiest day of my life!
My first time holding Brynn- Don't mind the swelling, I had about 7-8 bags of fluid from Thursday until she was born

A little more cleaned up after making her appearance

Back in our room- that is one PROUD daddy!
I will try to get another blog about Brynn done tonight or tomorrow. We have LOTS of pictures to share of her and all the family she has met. We are also moving to our new house this weekend so if I don't get it done be patient with me!