Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Meeting the family

Brynn had lots of visitors after being born. We enjoyed all the visitors and all the people so eager to meet Brynn. I have so many pictures to get up here I thought I would start with the family. I know I have more pictures of family to put on here but Brent has them on his phone so I will get to those. Sorry!

Brent called his parents after Brynn was born and told them they had a new grand child. He decided he wasn't going to let them know if it was a boy or girl until they got to the hospital and they could guess. The first thing Grandpa Chuck said "that baby is way too cute to be a boy" yep, he was right even though he had to check under the diaper just to be sure. The next day (Saturday) my parents, sister, brother-in-law, and nephew, and niece all came to meet Brynn. Of course I had to tell my family what we had and named her because they weren't able to come until the next morning! My sister and my mom even went out and did some shopping late Friday night so Brynn could have something to wear other than yellow or green! THANK GOODNESS!!!
Grandpa Jeff and Grandma Sue with Brynn

Ashley, Lia, me, and Brynn

Proud Grandpa with his girls. Ashley and I have been replaced

Brynn and Lia- Best of friends already!

This is a little (emphasis on the little) better of a family picture

Uncle Jameson and Brynn

Uncle Curt and Brynn---Curt said she will just be a "baby" until she has more hair and looks like a "girl"

Jack getting to meet Brynn for the first time

Finally a girl for Grandpa Chuck to spoil

Grandma Coleen got her GIRL!!!
Well, Brynn is hungry so I will have to cut this short, and I need to watch the finale of Glee! I will get more pictures up this week!

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