I decided I wanted to make him a t-shirt quilt for Christmas 2010. Ok, so that didn't happen. This winter my mother-in-law and I went to the fabric store to get ideas on how we were going to make this quilt for his birthday, since Christmas had came and gone we decided it could be for his birthday. I also had plan that she was going to teach me how to sew. HAH!!!
Me learning how to sew didn't happen when I tried to help just pin the fabric for the curtains she made for our kitchen. SO, my wonderful mother-in-law decided she would sew it and she would give it to Brent for his birthday from her. At least I came up with the idea right?
Well, it took her a little longer that she expected and its only a month late (not too bad if you ask me).
20 t-shirts later (we still have a TON at our house but its better) Brent has his t-shirt quilt. This quilt took up the entire floor on our family room. He informed me he'd like to hang it on the wall. Nice try! Snuggle up with it Brent and enjoy it!!!
These t-shirts are only from before college. Next project will be all his Central College t-shirts on a quilt. Maybe this time I'll actually learn how to sew!
Um this must be a Harlan guy thing....Todd is the same way! That gray State shirt that is in the second picture is BY FAR Todd's favorite shirt EVER! I think he actually has more than more....or at least he better because he wears it all the time! haha! Too funny! I'm still working on getting my quilts done from College...Chi Omega and Dance Marathon really know how to pass out the t's